Saturday, November 17, 2007

Brody's # 4

It's been such a blessing to be able to celebrate milestones with JJ and Sarah again!! Last weekend we got to celebrate Brody's 4th Birthday. We started the day with donuts and coffee (chocolate milk for the kids)!!! Then we took a trip to the family fun center for some go carts and video games!! Finally, we ended the night with a family party and sleepover!!! Brody seemed to have such a fun time and my kids could barely contain themselves. They had been waiting all week for Saturday's party. Truly it is sooo GOOD and PLEASANT
when brothers live together in unity! (Ps 133:1)

Dear Lord, I pray your blessing on Brody. May this next year be filled with your joy, peace, and hope. Father open his eyes that he may see you more clearly. I pray that you would create a hunger and thirst in him that can only be satisfied by seeking after you. Father, may this next year be filled with blessing as Brody learns more about you and truly places his life in your hands.

Father I pray your blessing on JJ and Sarah. Direct them in your ways as they raise Brody and Paige. Give them wisdom as they prayerfully consider this next years set of decisions. Give them you peace and protect them!!! Thank you father for pouring out your blessing on our family and thank you for hearing our prayer. We love you so much Jesus and pray these things in your name, Father. Amen.

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1 comment:

Alicen said...

I just love seeing the JOY in all you guys' faces!! Especially Sarah! So fun! We love you all~!
The Emmett Crew :)